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5 Things to Know about Learning Chinese in the ITCSL Program at National Taipei University, Taiwan


(Also on Facebook: ITCSL at National Taipei University


Bachelor Program in Innovative Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (ITCSL Program) is a four-year program for international students. Here are 5 things you may want to know.




1. If I don't know any Chinese, can I still apply for the ITCSL program? 



YES! If you are a complete beginner with no knowledge of Chinese, the ITCSL program offers 40 required credits and 20 elective credits in 2 years.




2. The ITCSL program requires 40 credits of Chinese language proficiency, I have studied Chinese before and don't need to take those courses, will the ITCSL program be a good choice for me?



YES! If you've studied Chinese before, you can apply for a credit waiver and transfer of up to 40 credits. You can choose your preferred courses from the Cultural Chinese Group or Business Chinese Group offered by various departments at National Taipei University. Courses accepted for credits are listed here:




3. If I am really not interested in Chinese language and teaching, can I change my major?



YES! Students in the ITCSL program can change their major if they are interested in other departments.




4. If I don't know what I want to study and I just feel attracted to the Chinese culture with the atmosphere of freedom and democracy in Taiwan, what choice do I have?



For beginners in Chinese, the ITCSL program offers courses on Chinese language skills; for advanced learners, the ITCSL program is equivalent to the "Department of Chinese Literature and History" or "Department of Business and Management" for international students; for those who just want to study in Taiwan, the ITCSL program serves as a language institute. With such high flexibility in course arrangement, the ITCSL program is your best choice!


5. What are the tuition fees?



Tuition fees are NTD 45,691 / USD 1,523 (USD 1≒NTD 30) per semester and there are two semesters in an academic year.


臺灣的大學學制一學年有兩學期,臺北大學境外生收費標準為每學期新台幣 45,691 元。




P.S. Given the popularity of business Chinese and the fact that it should be easier to find a job as a business Chinese teacher, the administration of ITCSL has worked to integrate the profound resources of the College of Business at the National Taipei University. That's why we've made minor revisions to the previous curriculum plan.


說明:考量到商務華語的熱門程度,以及華語文教師若是具有相當的專業商務管理背景會更具競爭力,ITCSL 的行政團隊努力整合臺北大學商學院豐富的學習資源,這是我們此次對於課程規劃進行微調的原因。